Entries by w.huck@science.ru.nl

Publication: Cell-free expression system based on JCVI-syn3A cells

We are happy to announce that the CFE system derived from JCVI-syn3A cells is functional, after 3 years of unsuccessful attempts. We used a machine learning tool to optimize this novel system. We hope it can serve as a new CFE platform for synthetic biologists. Thanks to all collaborators involved! Read the paper here. Congratulations […]

LNC Season 3. AI in drug discovery with Francesca Grisoni

The Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is back again with its exciting new Season 3. Just like last season, we are bringing it to you LIVE from Radboud University Nijmegen with a studio audience hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Huck. Of course, we will still follow our tradition of live streaming so that you can […]

New paper on the role of definitions of life in synthetic biology

The definition of life is a notoriously difficult definition to get right. In response to that difficulty, some philosophers and scientists have argued that definitions of life are useless to the sciences. In this publication, one of our PhD students, Ludo Schoenmakers, argues against this pessimistic conclusion. He argues that if definitions of life are […]

New publication on Prebiotic reaction networks in a dynamic environment

Before Life arose, the Earth, just as it is now, hosted an ever-changing environment. Our latest work published in JACS investigates what effect such dynamic conditions impose on the formose reaction, a model prebiotic reaction network. By applying random fluctuations to the formose reaction in a flow reactor, we show in detail how its composition […]

Oliver’s goodbye party

This week Oliver’s goodbye party was organised in our department. Oliver Maguire was part of the Prebiotic origin of reaction networks subgroup. Oliver’s former students Iris, Josien and Mathieu organised a quiz about Oliver and here are some interesting facts: during his 6-year stay in the Huck group as a postdoc, Oliver supervised 11 students […]

LNC Season 3. Artificial organic chemistry with Robert Pollice

The Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is back again with its exciting new Season 3. Just like last season, we are bringing it to you LIVE from Radboud University Nijmegen with a studio audience hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Huck. Of course, we will still follow our tradition of live streaming so that you can […]

Jessie’s goodbye party

This week we said goodbye to our postdoc Jessie van Buggenum who stayed in the group for a few years! Jessie was part of the Multi-omic measurements of cellular dynamics subgroup and was working on cellular signalling networks. Besides the hard work in the lab and behind the computer analysing the data, Jessie was the […]

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On February 11 we are celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science! For this occasion we prepared a special video dedicated to all women and girls in science featuring our brilliant female group members. Hopefully this message will reach people at the right moment!