Last Friday, December 1, the last FMS Annual Meeting 2023 took place in Zwolle, the Netherlands. During this one-day meeting various scientists from FMS Research Center shared the latest updates on their research. Rianne Haije, a PhD student from our group, gave a presentation entitled “Neuromorphic Sensing with a Retrainable Enzymatic Reaction Network” on which she is working together with Souvik Ghosh. Besides that, four members presented a poster presentation: Nikita Ivanov, Miglė Jakštaitė, Rianne Haije and Dr. Will Robinson.
Last Friday our PhD student Souvik Ghosh gave a pitch talk entitled “Neuromorphic Sensing using Retrainable Enzymatic Reaction Network” during annual symposium of the Institute for Molecules and Materials of Radboud University called sIMMposium 😎👨🔬 During one day symposium various researchers from institute as well as invited speakers presented their research topics.
The CLASSY Industry Workshop was held online on the 16th October, 2023. The workshop, entitled “Bioreactions in flow reactors: bringing out the potential applications for cell-free synthetic biology” in total gathered 10 speakers, both from CLASSY consortium and industry. Speakers, including Prof. Wilhelm Huck, were discussing latest updates on the CLASSY project as well as industrial enzyme immobilisation and biocatalysis in flow reactions.
If you have missed the chance to participate in the LIVE event, you can rewatch it on CLASSY YouTube channel. 15:49:472023-10-31 15:49:47CLASSY industry workshop
On the 10th-11th October 2023, the 10th General Assembly hybrid meeting of CLASSY consortium took place in Graz, Austria, hosted by partners from University of Graz. During the meeting all partners presented their research updates, after which fruitful discussions gave new ideas for further scientific investigations. Our group was represented by PhD student Miglė Jakštaitė and Prof. Wilhelm Huck, who presented the latest research about cell-free biosynthesis using immobilised enzymes and computational experiment design and analysis.
Yesterday (19 September, 2023) Ludo Schoenmakers successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Functionalizing Synthetic Cells Membranes and Condensates”. Ludo became #24 Dr. in the Huck group!
Congratulations Dr. Ludo! We’re very proud of you! All the best to your future career in Vienna!
Last Tuesday (5 September, 2023) Xinyu Hu successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Towards spatial profiling RNAs and proteins in single cells”. Xinyu became #23 Dr. in the Huck group!
Congratulations Dr. Xinyu! We’re very proud of you! 09:58:382023-10-30 13:20:02Dr. Hu
In August the 11th edition of CHAINS conference combined with 52nd IUPAC General Assembly and the 49th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress took place in the Hague. Huck group was represented by Souvik Ghosh and Thijs de Jong who presented poster presentations and Mathieu Baltussen who gave an oral presentation. The conference was full of inspiring talks and discussions as well as social event.
Here in the photo you can see part of the Huck group together with colleagues from Korevaar group and Radboud UMC.
Last Friday POC department had an amazing group outing in Amsterdam! A boat trip, dinner and a party! Everyone had a lot of fun 🎉😎 13:44:282023-07-31 13:44:28POC group outing in Amsterdam
Dr. Maike Hansen and Dr. Wim Velema have been awarded NWO Vidi Grants! Maike and Wim are part of the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) within Radboud University and are part of or closely associated to the Department of Physical Organic Chemistry. These Vidi grants will allow them to further develop top class research and continue building up their independent research groups. With the help of Vidi grant Maike’s group will be identifying cellular noise regulation and Wim’s group will be studying RNA-metabolite interactions. Congratulations! 14:51:042023-10-30 13:20:50NWO Vidi Grants for Maike Hansen and Wim Velema
The Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is back again with its exciting new Season 3. Just like last season, we are bringing it to you LIVE from Radboud University Nijmegen with a studio audience hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Huck. Of course, we will still follow our tradition of live streaming so that you can enjoy these fascinating lectures from your home, in the lab or on the bus! In this new season, we will dive deep with the exciting topic of Chemistry and AI. From complex learning to using AI for drug discovery, we have a range of topics covered with our speaker lineup!
The sixth – and the last – episode of Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is on Tuesday 11th July, 20h00 CET!
This episode will be streamed live on our YouTube channel Late Night Conference with WH (don’t forget to subscribe & watch our previous exciting episodes!) from Giga-Bite at Huygensgebouw in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where we are excited to have you in our audience!!
What does a robot chemist look like? Well… like a robot. In our last episode of the season, we are joined by Andy Cooper, Professor of the University of Liverpool, to discuss how building intelligent robots can lead to materials discovery! Professor Cooper’s team has brought to life every chemist’s dream: a tireless, precise, and resilient lab partner!
The lab’s research focuses on synthesising materials with novel functions, and on developing methods for controlling material structure at the atomic level. By utilising the mobile robot chemist to carry out experiments, the discovery of materials can be greatly accelerated. Don’t worry though, the robot’s purpose is to augment scientist’s ability to do research, not to replace them (yet). The third season will conclude on July 11th. Don’t miss it! 12:31:142023-06-28 12:31:14LNC Season 3. Materials Discovery with AI with Andy Cooper
FMS Annual Meeting 2023
/in Events, NewsLast Friday, December 1, the last FMS Annual Meeting 2023 took place in Zwolle, the Netherlands. During this one-day meeting various scientists from FMS Research Center shared the latest updates on their research. Rianne Haije, a PhD student from our group, gave a presentation entitled “Neuromorphic Sensing with a Retrainable Enzymatic Reaction Network” on which she is working together with Souvik Ghosh. Besides that, four members presented a poster presentation: Nikita Ivanov, Miglė Jakštaitė, Rianne Haije and Dr. Will Robinson.
sIMMposium 2023
/in Events, NewsLast Friday our PhD student Souvik Ghosh gave a pitch talk entitled “Neuromorphic Sensing using Retrainable Enzymatic Reaction Network” during annual symposium of the Institute for Molecules and Materials of Radboud University called sIMMposium 😎👨🔬 During one day symposium various researchers from institute as well as invited speakers presented their research topics.
CLASSY industry workshop
/in Events, NewsThe CLASSY Industry Workshop was held online on the 16th October, 2023. The workshop, entitled “Bioreactions in flow reactors: bringing out the potential applications for cell-free synthetic biology” in total gathered 10 speakers, both from CLASSY consortium and industry. Speakers, including Prof. Wilhelm Huck, were discussing latest updates on the CLASSY project as well as industrial enzyme immobilisation and biocatalysis in flow reactions.
If you have missed the chance to participate in the LIVE event, you can rewatch it on CLASSY YouTube channel.
CLASSY meeting in Graz
/in Events, NewsOn the 10th-11th October 2023, the 10th General Assembly hybrid meeting of CLASSY consortium took place in Graz, Austria, hosted by partners from University of Graz. During the meeting all partners presented their research updates, after which fruitful discussions gave new ideas for further scientific investigations. Our group was represented by PhD student Miglė Jakštaitė and Prof. Wilhelm Huck, who presented the latest research about cell-free biosynthesis using immobilised enzymes and computational experiment design and analysis.
Please click here to read more about the meeting.
Dr. Schoenmakers
/in News, Ph.D. defensesYesterday (19 September, 2023) Ludo Schoenmakers successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Functionalizing Synthetic Cells Membranes and Condensates”. Ludo became #24 Dr. in the Huck group!
Congratulations Dr. Ludo! We’re very proud of you! All the best to your future career in Vienna!
Dr. Hu
/in News, Ph.D. defensesLast Tuesday (5 September, 2023) Xinyu Hu successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Towards spatial profiling RNAs and proteins in single cells”. Xinyu became #23 Dr. in the Huck group!
Congratulations Dr. Xinyu! We’re very proud of you!
/in Events, NewsIn August the 11th edition of CHAINS conference combined with 52nd IUPAC General Assembly and the 49th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress took place in the Hague. Huck group was represented by Souvik Ghosh and Thijs de Jong who presented poster presentations and Mathieu Baltussen who gave an oral presentation. The conference was full of inspiring talks and discussions as well as social event.
Here in the photo you can see part of the Huck group together with colleagues from Korevaar group and Radboud UMC.
POC group outing in Amsterdam
/in News, SocialLast Friday POC department had an amazing group outing in Amsterdam! A boat trip, dinner and a party! Everyone had a lot of fun 🎉😎
NWO Vidi Grants for Maike Hansen and Wim Velema
/in NewsDr. Maike Hansen and Dr. Wim Velema have been awarded NWO Vidi Grants! Maike and Wim are part of the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) within Radboud University and are part of or closely associated to the Department of Physical Organic Chemistry. These Vidi grants will allow them to further develop top class research and continue building up their independent research groups. With the help of Vidi grant Maike’s group will be identifying cellular noise regulation and Wim’s group will be studying RNA-metabolite interactions. Congratulations!
Click here to read more.
LNC Season 3. Materials Discovery with AI with Andy Cooper
/in Events, Lectures, NewsThe Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is back again with its exciting new Season 3. Just like last season, we are bringing it to you LIVE from Radboud University Nijmegen with a studio audience hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Huck. Of course, we will still follow our tradition of live streaming so that you can enjoy these fascinating lectures from your home, in the lab or on the bus! In this new season, we will dive deep with the exciting topic of Chemistry and AI. From complex learning to using AI for drug discovery, we have a range of topics covered with our speaker lineup!
The sixth – and the last – episode of Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is on Tuesday 11th July, 20h00 CET!
This episode will be streamed live on our YouTube channel Late Night Conference with WH (don’t forget to subscribe & watch our previous exciting episodes!) from Giga-Bite at Huygensgebouw in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where we are excited to have you in our audience!!
Please note – no ticket is needed if you only want to watch the stream on YouTube!
What does a robot chemist look like? Well… like a robot. In our last episode of the season, we are joined by Andy Cooper, Professor of the University of Liverpool, to discuss how building intelligent robots can lead to materials discovery! Professor Cooper’s team has brought to life every chemist’s dream: a tireless, precise, and resilient lab partner!
The lab’s research focuses on synthesising materials with novel functions, and on developing methods for controlling material structure at the atomic level. By utilising the mobile robot chemist to carry out experiments, the discovery of materials can be greatly accelerated. Don’t worry though, the robot’s purpose is to augment scientist’s ability to do research, not to replace them (yet). The third season will conclude on July 11th. Don’t miss it!
To prepare, you can binge watch Season 1 and 2 on our YouTube channel. You may also enjoy this highlight reel from our last seasons. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram, as well as subscribe to our mailing list for the latest updates!
See you soon!