About me
Souvik Ghosh obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (BS-MS dual degree program) in Chemical Sciences from IISER Kolkata, India in 2021. As his Master’s project, he worked with self-assembling short peptides to design enzyme powered soft nanorobots. His multidisciplinary internship backgrounds (Neurobiology, Molecular Biology & System Chemistry) shape his interest towards molecular information processing and how it can be translated to synthetic setups. To pursue this research goal, he joined the Huck Group in 2021 at Radboud University Nijmegen, to study dynamic responses of different enzymatic reaction networks. In his free time, he loves to cook, read books, explore bookstores and travel.
System chemistry, Microfluidics, Reaction networks, Enzyme kinetics.
B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences 2021 IISER, Kolkata, India.