Dr. Peer van Duppen

On 17th December, 2024, Peer van Duppen successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “The Formose Reaction Prebiotic Soup or Recipe for Life?”. Peer became #28 Dr. in the Huck group!

Big congratulations, Peer!! You deserved it! All the best to your future career! đŸ„łđŸŽ‰

Dr. FernĂĄndez Regueiro

On 14 June, 2024, Cristina LĂ­a FernĂĄndez Regueiro successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Modular Enzymatic Networks: Towards Enzymatic Information Processing”. LĂ­a became #27 Dr. in the Huck group!

Big congratulations, LĂ­a!! You deserved it! All the best to your future career! đŸ„łđŸŽ‰

Dr. van Sluijs

On 22 January, 2024, Bob van Sluijs successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Decoding Complexity: Maximizing the Information About Partially Observed Nonlinear Networks”. Bob became #26 Dr. in the Huck group!

Congratulations Dr. Bob! It’s a well deserved title and you did an amazing job! All the best to your future career! đŸ˜ŽđŸ„ł

Dr. Sakai

On Monday (4 December, 2023) Andrei Sakai successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Construction of a minimal synthetic cell”. Andrei became #25 Dr. in the Huck group!

Congratulations Dr. Andrei! We’re very proud of you! All the best to your future career! đŸ˜ŽđŸ„ł

Dr. Schoenmakers

Yesterday (19 September, 2023) Ludo Schoenmakers successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Functionalizing Synthetic Cells Membranes and Condensates”. Ludo became #24 Dr. in the Huck group!

Congratulations Dr. Ludo! We’re very proud of you! All the best to your future career in Vienna!

Dr. Hu

Last Tuesday (5 September, 2023) Xinyu Hu successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Towards spatial profiling RNAs and proteins in single cells”. Xinyu became #23 Dr. in the Huck group!

Congratulations Dr. Xinyu! We’re very proud of you!

Dr. Maas

Last Tuesday (13 December, 2022) Roel Maas successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “A microfluidic approach for forward design of modular cell-free genetic networks”. Roel became #22 Dr. in the Huck group!

Congratulations Dr. Roel!

Photo credit: Wim Steenbakkers

Dr. van Buijtenen

Yesterday (27 January, 2022) Erik van Buijtenen successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Towards multiomic single-cell analysis of immune cells”.


Congratulations Dr. Erik!

Dr. Helwig

Congratulations Dr. Helwig!

Today (25 October, 2021) Britta Helwig successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “From Enzymatic Reaction Networks Towards Synthetic Metabolic Pathways.”

Great work Britta! Good luck to your future career!

Dr. Vibhute

Today (29 June, 2021) Mahesh Vibhute defended his PhD thesis entitled “Reconstituting living cells. Mobility, reactivity and asymmetry in cytomimetic crowded protocells.”

Big congratulations, Dr. Vibhute and good luck to your future career!