Publication: Chemical reservoir computation in a self-organizing reaction network

Since the dawn of computer science, researchers have speculated about replacing electronics with physical and biological systems for computation. With the recent creation of large AI models and the associated rising energy- and resource-costs, the development of these alternative forms of computation have never been more relevant. In our new paper, now published in Nature, we report on the discovery and implementation of a chemical reservoir computer based on the prebiotic formose reaction. We investigated how this system processes information and demonstrated how it can perform complex computations similar to neural networks. Our work shows the intrinsic computational power of chemical networks and paves the way for a new kind of computer based on chemistry instead of electronics.

Congratulations to Mathieu Baltussen, Thijs de Jong, Quentin Duez, William Robinson and Wilhelm Huck! 🥳🎊

You can read the paper online now here.

Publication: ARTseq-FISH – Simultaneous Spatial Profiling of mRNAs and Proteins at the Same Resolution

In a new publication we developed a multiplexed spatial profiling method, ARTseq-FISH. This method enables the simultaneous detection and quantitation of mRNA, protein and phosphoprotein levels in individual cells at the same resolution. Now published in Nature Communications!

Congratulations to Xinyu, Bob and all co-authors!

You can read the paper here.

Publication: Using active learning to establish efficient in vitro gene expression from chromosomes

In order to build a synthetic cell, it is crucial to know how to access the genetic information carried in large DNA molecules. In this work, we used rational analysis and an active learning tool to explore a broad parameter space and to adapt in vitro gene expression to E. coli’s chromosomes, discovering that these molecules can be expressed with a surprisingly high efficiency. We hope that this work will move the SynCell community one step further. Published now in ACS Omega!

Congratulations to Leonardo and all co-authors!! 🎉🥳

You can read the paper here.

Review: Exploring Emergent Properties in Enzymatic Reaction Networks

New review article has just been published in ACS Chemical Reviews! 🎈🎊

Here we explore exciting research involving enzymatic reaction networks, where we discuss the progress to date and the challenges ahead.

You can read it here.

Congratulations to all authors: Souvik Ghosh, Mathieu Baltussen, Nikita Ivanov, Rianne Haije, Miglė Jakštaitė, Tao Zhou and Wilhelm Huck! 🎉✨

Publication: B-cell signaling in dynamic environments

Cells live in constantly changing environments. To truly understand how cells process information in their complex natural environment, it is essential to recreate such dynamic environments in the lab and study cell responses. In our work, we have studied how B-cells respond to dynamic environments by creating gradients of increasing hydrogen peroxide levels over time. This research revealed that B-cells are sensitive to the rate at which hydrogen peroxide is added! We hope this exciting result will spark more research on dynamic environments of cells.

You can read the paper here.

Congratulations to Melde, Emma, Bas, Jessie, and Wilhelm! 🎉🥳

Publication: Iterative design of training data to control intricate enzymatic reaction networks

Congratulations to Bob, Tao and co-authors, who designed training data to control enzymatic reaction networks in flow! The newest article entitled “Iterative design of training data to control intricate enzymatic reaction networks” is now out in Nature Communications! Well done!! 😎🎊🥳

You can read the paper here

Publication: Cell-free expression system based on JCVI-syn3A cells

We are happy to announce that the CFE system derived from JCVI-syn3A cells is functional, after 3 years of unsuccessful attempts. We used a machine learning tool to optimize this novel system. We hope it can serve as a new CFE platform for synthetic biologists. Thanks to all collaborators involved!

Read the paper here.

Congratulations to Andrei, Bob and all the collaborators!

New paper on the role of definitions of life in synthetic biology

The definition of life is a notoriously difficult definition to get right. In response to that difficulty, some philosophers and scientists have argued that definitions of life are useless to the sciences. In this publication, one of our PhD students, Ludo Schoenmakers, argues against this pessimistic conclusion. He argues that if definitions of life are understood pragmatically, they can be, and in fact are, conducive to scientific progress and they are even relevant to our ethical discussions. So no reason for pessimism!

You can find the paper here. 

Congratulations to Ludo!

New publication on Prebiotic reaction networks in a dynamic environment

Before Life arose, the Earth, just as it is now, hosted an ever-changing environment. Our latest work published in JACS investigates what effect such dynamic conditions impose on the formose reaction, a model prebiotic reaction network. By applying random fluctuations to the formose reaction in a flow reactor, we show in detail how its composition responds to varying timescales and magnitudes in these perturbances. Our investigation further led us to discover that the reaction behaves in a modular manner, a remarkable characteristic which it shares with biological reaction networks. These observations demonstrate the importance of understanding the role of environmental dynamics in sculpting the composition, structure and behaviour of the chemical processes destined to form the first Life.

You can find the paper here.

Congratulations to Peer, Lena, Will and Wilhelm!

New publication on uncovering phenotypic characteristics and active signal transduction of human antibody secreting cells

New paper was published by our group members Erik van Buijtenen and Jessie van Buggenum together with collaborators Wout Janssen, Paul Vink, Maurice J.M. Habraken, Laura J.A. Wingens, Andrea van Elsas and Hans van Eenennaam! Here we use integrated multi-omic single-cell sequencing technologies to detect and quantify immunoglobulin subclass-specific surface markers, transcriptional profiles and signaling transduction pathway components. We tested whether human antibody secreting cells (ASCs) that only seem to differ in its ability to secrete different IgM, IgA, or IgG antibodies, exhibit other differences that characterize these different ASCs. Our approach detected differential expression of plasmablast and plasma cell markers, homing receptors and TNF receptors. In addition, differential sensitivity was observed for the different cytokine stimulations that were applied during in vitro differentiation. Taken together, our integrated multi-omics approach allowed high-resolution phenotypic characterization of single cells in a heterogenous sample of in vitro differentiated human ASCs.

Congratulations to Erik, Jessie and Wilhelm!!

Click here to read the paper